Facial Procedures
Face Lift/Rhytidectomy
If you are bothered by the signs of aging in your face, a facelift may be right for you. Visible signs of aging are loss of skin elasticity and firmness, wrinkles and sagging in the mid-face, jowls and neck. Sagging in the mid-face region can create a deep crease below the lower eyelid and between the nose and mouth. Loss of muscle tone in the lower face and / or fat that has been displaced can create jowls, a jaw line that sags into the neck.
A facelift is designed to correct all of these aging features, restoring a more youthful, rested appearance with uplifted contours and improved tone in facial skin and underlying muscle. A facelift is a restorative surgery that does not change your fundamental appearance and will not stop the aging process however it will restore a more youthful version of yourself.
Common factors that contribute to the loss of these “youthful contours” are heredity, gravity, environmental conditions, and stress; the result is a tired or sad appearance. A facelift is designed to address this unattractive appearance.
A facelift, which is also referred to as a facialplasty or rhytidectomy, can be done in combination with many other rejuvenation procedures such as a brow lift, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) or laser resurfacing. For further enhancement, Botox and injectable fillers can also be implemented.
This procedure is performed in our state of the art accredited operating room on an outpatient basis. While, nursing care is utilized in the first twelve to twenty-four hours post-operatively, most patients return to work or their normal activity within two weeks.
Eyelid / Blepharoplasty
One of the first areas of the face to exhibit signs of aging is the eyes. It can be hereditary or it can be the natural aging process. Either way as we age we can develop “bags” under our eyes giving us the appearance of being tired. We may also develop excess drooping skin which can make us look angry or sad.
Blepharoplasty can be both a functional or cosmetic surgical procedure. By simply removing excess skin on the upper lids and the fat that contributes to the under eye puffiness one can achieve a more youthful and rested appearance. The degree of correction of drooping eyelids, puffiness or bags can only be achieved surgically by repositioning muscle, redistributing fat that has settled into contours, and, if necessary, removing excess skin. Incision lines are well concealed within the natural structure of the eyelid and both the upper and lower eyelids can be performed simultaneously with very little down time.
Dr. Spinelli is world renowned for his eye surgeries both cosmetic and medically necessary. These procedures can be performed on an outpatient basis here at our state of the art, internationally accredited operating room. These procedures can also be combined with brow lifts, facelifts and laser treatments as well as procedures that are designed to alter eyelid position into a more youthful and functional position.
Brow Lift
A forehead lift is often used in combination with eyelid surgery to reduce sagging skin found on the upper eyelids. Like the eyes, the eyebrows are a very distinct facial feature. Perfectly positioned and properly shaped eyebrows convey an open friendly look, while those that sag can create an unintentional tired, angry or bored demeanor.
A brow lift improves low or sagging of the brows and minimizes the appearance of lines and creases in the forehead. The eyebrows are raised to produce a more alert and youthful appearance. Utilizing a limited endo forehead procedure, the Endotine Forehead Device, Dr. Spinelli offers a novel and elegant solution designed specifically for elevating the forehead tissue in brow lift surgery. Minimally invasive and very advanced in the realm of plastic surgery, the minimal incision non-endoscopic brow lift with Endotine fixation reaps benefits such as smaller incisions, reduced scarring, and less pain, swelling and bruising.
As swelling and bruising subside, a smoother forehead skin and a more youthful, restful appearance will be revealed. Life-long sun protection and a healthy lifestyle will help to extend the results of your brow lift.
Rhinoplasty/ “Nose Job”
The nose is the most prominent feature on the face and a major factor in its symmetry. An attractive nose is one that fits your face. A nose which is out of proportion to the rest of the face is not complimentary and can affect self image and confidence. Dr. Spinelli can help by modifying a nose so that it is proportionate to your face without demonstrating the tell tale signs that it has been surgically altered.
Rhinoplasty can be both cosmetic and functional. Specific characteristics of the nose are hereditary while many can be the result of injury, prior surgery or even aging. Patients may seek nasal surgery to relieve breathing abnormalities or congenital problems. Nasal surgery to improve an obstructed airway is an individualized procedure that relates to airflow and breathing. Correction of a deviated septum is one of the most common causes of breathing impairment.
Cosmetic surgery of the nose requires an individualized approach, taking into account specific characteristics of the nose (i.e. drooping, hooked, upturned, bulbous or asymmetry), its overall appearance (i.e. size, width & profile) and its relation to the other facial features. Rhinoplasty may include; alteration of the nasal bridge, reshaping the nasal tip, reducing the shape or width of the nose and nostrils and or adjusting the angle between the nose and upper lip.
Scarring is not a concern as incisions are cleverly hidden and usually not visible. Bruising and swelling subside after a few weeks and the patient can return to normal activity. Rhinoplasty is performed as an ambulatory procedure in our state of the art facility. Based on a patient’s personal needs, nasal surgery can be performed in conjunction with face lifts, brow lifts and chin or cheek implantation.

Rhinoplasty/ “Nose Job”
The nose is the most prominent feature on the face and a major factor in its symmetry. An attractive nose is one that fits your face. A nose which is out of proportion to the rest of the face is not complimentary and can affect self image and confidence. Dr. Spinelli can help by modifying a nose so that it is proportionate to your face without demonstrating the tell tale signs that it has been surgically altered.
Rhinoplasty can be both cosmetic and functional. Specific characteristics of the nose are hereditary while many can be the result of injury, prior surgery or even aging. Patients may seek nasal surgery to relieve breathing abnormalities or congenital problems. Nasal surgery to improve an obstructed airway is an individualized procedure that relates to airflow and breathing. Correction of a deviated septum is one of the most common causes of breathing impairment.
Cosmetic surgery of the nose requires an individualized approach, taking into account specific characteristics of the nose (i.e. drooping, hooked, upturned, bulbous or asymmetry), its overall appearance (i.e. size, width & profile) and its relation to the other facial features. Rhinoplasty may include; alteration of the nasal bridge, reshaping the nasal tip, reducing the shape or width of the nose and nostrils and or adjusting the angle between the nose and upper lip.
Scarring is not a concern as incisions are cleverly hidden and usually not visible. Bruising and swelling subside after a few weeks and the patient can return to normal activity. Rhinoplasty is performed as an ambulatory procedure in our state of the art facility. Based on a patient’s personal needs, nasal surgery can be performed in conjunction with face lifts, brow lifts and chin or cheek implantation.
Ear Surgery
Ears are entirely developed and almost adult size by 5 to 6 years old. Usually only one ear is visible at a time and no two ears are identical even in the same person. Aside from the nose, the ears are the most prominent facial feature we possess. Ear surgery, or otoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery designed to reduce the size of large ears or allow them to lie closer to the head. In addition to the problem of protruding ears, there are a variety of other issues that can be helped with surgery. These include “lop ear”, which occurs when the top appears to fold down and forward; “cupped ear,” which is usually a very small ear; and “shell ear,” when the curve in the outer rim, as well as the natural folds and creases are missing. Dr. Spinelli can even build new ears for those who were born without them or who lost them through injury.
Most patients, young and old alike, are thrilled with the results of ear surgery. Otoplasty involves one of the shortest recovery times of any plastic surgery procedure. Once the bandages are removed following surgery, the results are immediately visible. Ear pinning and reshaping surgery provides both physical and psychological benefits for patients.